Wednesday, November 14, 2012



There is a lot of miss information about what C.O.R is of a softball and the Compression of a softball and what the effect is on performance ,distance batted ball speed and what bat combination is best to optimize performance . First the basics . 1. C.O.R =Coefficient of Restitution , In a nutshell how bouncy a softball is but this is only half of the effect the other half is that a bouncy ball does not hold its shape when struck causing the force of the bat to be dispersed or decreased when struck so a bat going 80 mph hitting a .52 cor ball may cause a ball to leave bat at 75 mph vs a .40 cor will leave at 82 mph using a standard composite softball bat. Also a decrease spin of ball due to ball not jumping off the bat a decrease in trampoline effect, if you have ever observed a lot of knuckle balls  being hit when you use a .52 core ball. 

 The C.O.R is most important number when matching up a ball and a high performance composite bat,I have a great video that was made where I spoke to a High school Physics class here is video that explains it   

So a softer bat USSSA standard bat and a low C.O.R .40 or .44 is better vs. ASA standard bat and a .40.44 bat. now a stiffer bat ASA standard bat is better with a .52 or .47 C.O.R ball vs a USSSA bat. you also need to consider the weight of a bat and endload of a bat to maximize performance. a softer ball needs a stiffer bat and heavier endloaded bat example the world record was 504 feet hit in 1970 with a 36 oz max enloaded aluminum bat and a suryline ball which was names super ball as it was very bouncy .54-.56 c.o.r ball and was outlawed soon after. So the best combination is the heaviest bat that you can swing without loosing bat speed with a endload is best way to go.

the best way is get a good composite bat with a endload and hit APEX SPORTS BULLETS